Saturday, February 27, 2010

Balanced on both sides

The past week was a busy test week, with a refreshing new test everyday. Finally, it ended with a big bang on Friday with 2 tests, both going one after another and ending before recess. Therefore, it was considered as a happy occasion for the people of 2A1.

Life is unfair. While we were busy celebrating, the period after Language Arts Lecture, which was Higher Chinese, gave us a surprise when the teacher entered and gave us an on-the-spot test. Its details were only taught 15 minutes before the test. This really dampened our mood, but as what they always say, life still goes on. Most of us did not complete the test. However unhappy we felt, it was over and there was nothing we could do to change it.

During my Chinese Orchestra practice in the afternoon, the conductor did not arrive and thus we were released one hour earlier from the usual dismissal time. Which meant to me that there would be more time to relax at night. This was a good thing and I truly appreciated it.

Alas, just as we walked out of the building and into the open air, it suddenly rained! No, we're not talking about small drizzle and drops, but heavy rain pouring from the sky upon us. How wet we were, I guess it's imaginable. And our instrument casings.

It is rare to chance upon a day when everything goes well for you. Life is balanced on both sides, and whatever good or bad things that happen on you cannot be changed or decided. It's all about fate. And life.


  1. Indeed, like you, I feel I have failed my chinese test. I was so happy after the test ended, relieved that it was finally over. Yet, the chinese test Furthermore, his comment "fail then fail" did not help matters. However, life is not perfect.
    We can only try and hope for the best. All the best, cheer up, maybe tomorrow will be a good day for you :D

  2. The main point is that the tests are over. As for the Chinese "test", should we honestly care about it? I would say not. Appreciate what you have to celebrate for now. Leave the expression of disappointment till later. A bang, the day ended with. Tommie Chen: "I dismiss you now." Students: " *Cheers* *Screams* *Chaos*" By the way, I liked the rain, even though it nearly got me soaked. So look on life's most negative moments with a positive mind while not losing your head during excitements and I think it will be fine.

  3. "... Everybody has those days. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, yeah, everybody gets that way."

    These song lyrics from the Hannah Montana song, Nobody's Perfect, apply to us at many points of our life.

    Life is unfair. That's true. Once again, lyrics from a Hannah Montana song(xD), Life's What You Make It. "Life is hard or it's a party, the choice is up to you." Life is hard only if we think it is. But it's beyond our control to stay happy always at times. Well that's fine. Just remember not to stay down for too long! (:


  4. Has been a long time since I've garnered so many comments! Thanks everyone!

    To reply, I agree that one should stay optimistic. Sometimes it just doesn't seem to be your day. That's how the terms "Monday Blues" and "Thank God It's Friday" came about. (:

    It's satisfying to know that there are friends around you whenever you are down. A word of advice to those who are sad: Stop dwelling over it. Life goes on and remember, always stay happy!

