Thursday, June 24, 2010

The basket

Grandfather was old and seriously ill.
The medical expenses totaled up to an extravagant amount.
Dad decided that there was no longer any use keeping Grandfather in the house as his condition has not improve much since he started treatment.
He was no help to the family, in fact even a burden.

One fine day, Dad put Grandfather into a basket and headed for the forests to feed him to the wolves.
Just as he was about to leave, his son called out from in the house.

"Dad, after feeding Grandfather to the wolves, can you bring the basket back?"
"What for?" Dad replied irritably.
"So that when you're old, I can feed you to the wolves."

1 comment:

  1. Filial Piety is very important. Our parents have been raising us from young to old, till how successful we are now. We are very fortunate to have them. Even though we get scoldings, we know they do care enough to give us words of advice. So when they grow up, we have to take care of them too. :D
