Tuesday, June 15, 2010


After hearing this being mentioned several times on Facebook, on the Internet and even in real life, I decided to research on it. I must say, it garnered some real interesting answers.

My cousin mentioned 11:11 in the middle of a discussion and he briefly explained to me its definition: When you want something to come true, you wish at 11:11. I had the impression that it was like a candle on a birthday cake or a wishing star in the starry night sky.

It's a wake up call. A wake up to what you really are. You are not some accident of animal evolution, but a spiritual being that needs to pay attention to it's own spiritual evolution. These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here. Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real. It is an awakening to things that you don't know, and need to know. Humanity is in a mess, and not heading in the right direction. Folks are needed to change that, and it happens one person at a time. Starting with you. Take responsibility for who you are, and most of all, who you are turning into.

They are known as Midwayers, because they live in a realm between us and the next level that we go to after death. They are the closest spiritual entity to us. They are actually material creatures, but of a material invisible to most of us. It was not supposed to be like that, we were supposed to be able to see them, and on "normal" worlds that is the way it is.

A new age of "Spiritual Uplift" has begun on our planet. There are now literally billions of Celestial beings here, all of whom have been especially trained to assist with changing the course of this planet. Many more of these delightful Spirit Guardians are now ready to assist whoever will ask for their help. As a tribute to the centuries-long tenure of the original 1,111 Celestial Helpers, they have retained the customary 11:11 prompts. We are told that over 75 million folks are being given these 11:11 prompts, and a glance around the web will tell you something big is happening. Welcome to being an 11'er. 

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