Monday, March 8, 2010

Fulfilling a simple request

Has been a long time since we had a special feature. Here's one to break the post barrier! Today's review is about this book, "Waiting for Normal".

This is a story of an innocent child nicknamed Addie who has only one wish. It's a simple wish, yet finding the solution to fulfill it is like finding a needle in the haystack. Addie's parents have divorced, twice. During Mommer's second relationship, they had two more children, who grew and became closer to Addie as time passed. When they divorced, Addie was separated with her half-sisters, stepfather and step-grandfather and left with Mommers to live in a simple tavern under the train tracks. There, she meets new friends in the minimart across her house and in the process learns about the horrible truth about cancer and adopts a hamster in the process. Mommers started to go out with another guy called Pete and was usually not at home. Addie grew closer to Soula and the others at the minimart. When a fire broke out in the house, Addie was put in the care of Jack, the step-grandfather.

Addie's waiting for normal, but how do you define normal? No changes, or just like the past? Learn and mature with Addie as she overcomes life's problems one after another. Oh, and together with her hamster.

For those whose hearts go out to her, don't fret. She gets half of her normal at the end and lives "happily ever after", but you've got to read the whole story to know how it ends! This is a wonderful story, written in plain words. The story is really touching, especially when you see Dwight giving out his love, care and concern. You can also see the story progress as Addie becomes more independent. She doesn't have a "love for learning", but her curiosity lets her learn much more.

Who is Hannah? Who is Katie? You just got to read the story.

Rating: 3.5/5 (Good)


  1. Great review!Short,simple and straight-forward.I especially like the part of the hamster(sounds familiar?).I feel you have captured the main points of the story in this review and the rating seems to suit the review too.The last line is captivating,encouraging readers to catch the book,thus promoting it.Great!=D

  2. Yeah, the hamster is horribly familiar!

    Thanks for your review Gary! I'm thinking of linking my electronic bookshelf at the sidebar too. I copied this review and pasted it there. (:


  3. You never cease to amaze me with the way you craft your reviews, so that you are able to explain the main outline of the plot without making it sound boring, and yet at the same time, encourage readers to read this book.

    Another great blog post. Hamsters FTW! (:


  4. Nice review and that you have managed to veer off the usual drama reviews. Good way of revealing but not too much so that readers will be enticed to read the book.

    Now, where can I find a copy...
