This show features seven hosts, Guo Liang, Kym Ng, Quan Yi Fong, Michelle Chong, Zhou Chong Qing, Marcus Chin and Henry Thia, who roleplay as famous people and celebrities around the world, mainly from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Singapore, and discuss about current affair topics from the character's perspective and give their views on things that truly matter. A gathering of international and local artistes, including “Jac Key Chan”, “Lee Ann”, “Chris-tofu Li”, “Patty Howl”, “Li Jinx”, “Yow Yow”, “DD Hsu”, “Risss Low”, “Jacky Woo”, “Aiyah” and “Gao Ning Feng”!
I must say, I enjoyed this show very much. Every episode is packed with laughter. Even the actors and actresses themselves cannot control their laughter! If you're the gossip monger, this show is packed with juicy gossips right up to the fullest! The show actually discusses everything and anything, with almost nothing to hide. You may even find out something new or shocking about your favourite stars through this platform! Topics that have been discussed include the stars' take on gambling in conjunction to the opening of the casinos in Singapore, the "Most Trusted Star List" coined up by the media is various countries and even the very recently Jack Neo saga (with footage of the press conference included if you missed it).
It has been a long time since I've watched an entertaining variety show (the last was Paris & Milan). If you're finding for shows of this genre, this show is a must-watch for you! In this show, the oh-so-famous Aunty Lucy has her own column, so if you are a fan of her, here's another show to take note of.
Someone has uploaded the episodes to YouTube, so you can watch them here.
Catch "Black Rose" every Tuesday from 8 to 9pm on Channel 8.
Rating: 4/5 (Wonderful!)