Friday, January 22, 2010

"I coulda bin a contender"

Contend with what we have and not be unhappy with what we don't. You can always see things in more than one perspective: Which perspective to look from, the decision lies on you. Take a look at this picture of a gecko and a cockroach:

The gecko won. While the gecko has to fight for food, we get our food conveniently at our nearest supermarket or food store. Still, we complain that our food do not taste nice. Some people in this world don't even get food.

Remember the Si Chuan earthquake a few years back? Now, the people there have not totally overcome the incident yet. What kept the survivors alive was the spirit and the belief that they will survive. These are the optimists. Some of them gave up hope and stopped struggling for that little hope of life. These are the pessimists. Guess who won the struggle.

People really do not know how to count their blessings. Let's view the current big news: earthquake in Haiti. It was a strong one and not to be underestimated. Do you believe that this might be a good thing for Haiti? Ask yourself: Did you know that Haiti ever existed? If you look at it from the bright side, this might actually be a chance to turn the economy around with all those donations from organisations and companies. However, Haiti has dealt a great blow. This will affect its population and advancement as a country. Imagine yourself experiencing this earthquake. How will you feel?

Be contend with what you have. Here in Singapore, we are free from natural disasters. Although we are small, we are noticed because of our unique culture and attractions. Here in Singapore, we live a peaceful life without much interruption. Here in Singapore, we have enough to eat and eat till "I coulda bin a continent". Will you count your blessings?


  1. I have never thought so in depth into the Haiti Earthquake. Indeed many did not know there was such a place, but now when an earthquake struck, people may be left with a bad impression with Haiti. "Its not better to have lost and loved, than to never to have loved at all". In this case, its "Its not better to have known with bad impression, than to never have known at all". Nice in depth study Yue Jun! :):):)

  2. Thanks for the compliment, Zhong Sheng. (:

    I think what you are trying to say is "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". Yes, then it should be "Better to have known with a bad impression than never to have known at all". Good try on relating the phrase to the incident!

    Definitely. However, I do not entirely agree with "bad impression with Haiti". It all depends on the individual. Haiti did not want an earthquake. It was never wanted or expected. Therefore, if you really think in this way, there is no reason why you should have a bad impression on Haiti.

