Kind of impossible. Let's just get this done away with altogether.
Hi, the name's Yue Jun. Before I get started, let's review my Responsible Blogging Policy (RBP), which was compiled by my Language Arts teacher last year.
1) Do not post derogatory comments that will defame others.Never had this intention to do so. Forgive me if it is unintentional.
2) Do not publish information about yourself like your name, age, address or telephone number.I guess I just shouted my name out loud and everyone of you should know my age. Now, let me keep this point in mind and keep the last two private.
3) Do not post remarks that are racist.Keeping in mind this blog's content, this should not happen.
4) We should exercise caution with regards to exaggeration, colourful language, guesswork, obscenity, copyright materials and legal conclusions as everyone is libel for what he writes.I pledge to be responsible for what I write. You too, be responsible not to copy my posts without permission.
5) Do not post personal photos or confidential information in your blog.Get this fact right. Stop asking for information.
6) Be respectful of colleagues and peers when posting.I will.
7) Always check your post thoroughly before publishing it.Proofreading. Always works miracle.
8) When linking a website, always visit the website first before you link it.Well, I only link websites if the content is relevant, and to confirm it IS relevant I have to visit the website first.
9) Do not engage in cyberbullying.That's right, don't bully me.
10) Do not respond to anyone when you are angry.Whenever I'm angry, I'll start hitting everything I see until my laptop stops functioning. (Just kidding.)
Here we have, the 10 rules in the RBP. I'm glad that it is done... Back to the introduction.
I'm a typical teenage boy like
Ah Bao and have favourites and dislikes like everyone do.
I'm a fan of local dramas, though I admit that some of them are seriously below average. I'm a music guy and I play the piano and Erhu. Yup, my EP3 is Chinese Orchestra. Don't worry, I will not be posting much about them.
I guess it wouldn't hurt if I reveal my birthday? The big day's 11 June and I'm proud to be a "Geminian". Speaking about birthdays, I think mine was recent, like 6 months ago... I have a sister, and though she's kind of annoying, it is great to have someone to fight with (especially when you win most of the time). I hate wall of texts, so I will try breaking the paragraphs down and summarising each one.
Back to the blog. What does the title, ixploreLife, mean to you? It is straightforward: I will share my experiences in life, as well as explore certain aspects of life. Of course, ixplore = Internet Explorer, so I will be sharing stuff from the virtual world too, though I use Mozilla Firefox. To summarise, I will be posting anything at random. I initially decided on "iexploreLife", but the domain was not available. Oh well...
The slogan. "Random Snippets of Both Worlds". Yeah, I pretty much explained it in the paragraph above. I appreciate your comments, but please keep them relevant. Remember to follow me, and if you are really in a rush, could you just leave a quick tag, like "Tagged!", please? :]
I will stop here for now, else it will turn into a Wall of Text (if it isn't now).
Till then.