Friday, May 21, 2010

The grass is always greener on the other side

The Chinese Orchestra has a whole line of performances coming up, as well as a trip to Shanghai during the September holidays. SYF is also nearing and our teachers are worried as the Sec 4s, the above average players, won't be participating and us, the Sec 2s, are far below standard. Our orchestra is now only on par with other schools and the school will be counting on us to bring the Gold with Honours award home.

That's why the seniors are now raising the standards. I was asked to mentor the Sec 1s because they would have to participate in the SYF next year. Now, I'm held down with a heavy burden that comes great responsibility. The Erhu section is couting on me. The stress is building up.

Ten weeks ago, I received a call from my Chemistry teacher, announcing that I have been selected, together with a classmate and two others from 2A3, to participate in a Literature writing competition. After that call, no one talked about the competition until ten weeks later. The deadline is now in ten days and we haven't even started. Since Wednesday, our group had to stay back till late afternoon to finish this up. We even have to return during the weekends to complete what we failed to do so during weekdays.

I started to complain. I watched the other classmates head home after their Sabbaticals, or playing in class. I had to write.

I complained even more. I thought my friends were more relaxed. Why couldn't I be like them, as free as the mountain air? Then Yihan asked me, "Why complain?" I realised that he had even more committments: from the OT of APMOPS, AEP and Band to Council stuff. Yet, he doesn't complain. Who am I to complain?

The grass is always greener on the other side. I've learnt to accept what I have and give my best to what I've been entrusted with. From committments we have achievements that give us great satisfaction. There's a reason to why people entrust me with things. Deep in my heart, I know why.

(Special thanks to for the picture.)

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